
Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 7

I can’t believe my African adventure is over! Today is Sunday, Church. There are 2 branches that meet. One starts at 8 and the other at 11:30. The relief society teacher was a hoot! She was very animated although I only understood a few words. Two words I understood were Elder Gates, although I have no idea what she said about him. One thing that Dad is really working on here is being on time. I remember one Sunday growing up that we forgot it was Daylight Savings. We were 50 minutes early for church. Dad had us sit there and said something to the effect of at least we will be on time once this year. I still remember that. It ingrained a teaching into me of always being on time to church. They are slowly learning the concept of starting on time. One thing that Dad has taught them is to end on time. He said they used start late and end late. For example today the last ward was supposed to end at 2:30, we went until 2:47. Dad was going crazy when they sang all 3 verses of the closing song. It was kinda funny to see him. After he went to a member of the Branch Presidency to let them know what was supposed to happen. That happened with a couple of things today. As running water is rare to them, they all go a little strong on the water at church. Here is Dad filling up the water. I think he filled it 3 times and an Elder did it at least once. It started pouring rain during church. They have tin roofs so it was very loud. The sister that said the closing prayer was so soft and the rain so loud that not very many people heard the end so the Amen was a delayed reaction. Mom is in charge of the distribution orders. See her previous posts regarding more info on this. Today this man was so happy to get his triple combination. Mom said he ordered it over a year ago. Now that we know how the system works the turnaround is much shorter. It is so cool to see them teaching from the same books as I am used to. It testifies to me how important the manual is. It keeps us on track worldwide. I almost pulled a “Charise” and took a photo during sacrament meeting but I was able to grab these shots between meetings. As they are slowly learning how things work, they are getting the hang of primary. However, they now just drop off all their kids, even nursery age. They don’t have any nursery leaders. Mom brought this little one in during gospel doctrine. I think it is good that Charise isn’t here because she would be tempted to leave tonight with a few babies in tow. They are so cute! After 6 ½ hours of church, these cute Elders were smiling and greeting all the members and it just made my heart melt. I hope my son is such a great missionary. This is choir practice. After church and before I went to the airport, I played my first and only Train Game of the week. I can't remember who won...just kiddin...Dad won.

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