
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Elder Gates' Gift of Tongues

Elder Gates gets to give "special interviews" for baptism, and sometimes he really bonds with the investigators. This week one of them, Lionel, asked Ed to baptize him. For those of you who know Ed well, you know what he is like with names... annnnnnnnd He has been too busy to focus much on learning French. But the baptism had to be in French. This is what he had to memorize.... "Elenga Danieland Lionel Vitrand"..... Ayant Recu l'autorite de Jesus Christ, Je baptise au nom du Pere, et du Fils, et du Saint Esprit. amen I was so very, very, very proud of him. He practiced and practiced until he had it perfect!!! Great Job Elder Gates!!!!


  1. Based on the photo I have zero worries about dad remembering the words since you guys are being so faithful I'm sure the Lord would help him through it... I would be more worried about his pants staying up in the water! Holy skinny bones!

  2. How do you say "awesome" in french? Congrats and keep it up. :) -Erin
